
All posts tagged dean

Published March 27, 2014 by imwiththeblutbad


I hate when people are all ” Destiel is stupid, and it’s all in your head”

LIES. Shall I explain some( just some) of the reasons why?

In the original script of episode 8×17, Dean was going to say “I love you” to Castiel, but Jensen changed it to “I need you”


There’s the obvious, but still…

Amen to all of the above

Published January 1, 2014 by imwiththeblutbad


somebody should write an au where dean and cas are in times square for new year’s eve and they don’t know each other but they both brought their little brothers (gabriel and sam) and they get stuck next to each other for the ten or so hours they have to stand there and over that time dean and cas get pretty close and then at midnight they kiss and then they fall in love ;u;


Holy crap SOMEONE WRITE THIS NOW! Love it! 🙂

Published September 23, 2013 by imwiththeblutbad


“It’s not men. It’s just him” – Ianto Jones, Torchwood

this is what i imagine dean saying when destiel become canon.

“it’s not men. It’s just cas”



Amen to that.

(This is the original post that inspired the brilliant photoset I just reblogged)

Published September 23, 2013 by imwiththeblutbad


"So, what, you're into guys now?"
"It's... it's not men. It's just him. It's only him." [x]

Recognised this quote straightaway, one of my fave scenes, and one of the best from Torchwood 🙂
People in and out of the fandom spend a lot time arguing about what Dean is (gay, straight, bi). But actually, he doesn’t have to be anything. He’s just Dean. And Cas is Cas.  And they have that profound bond. And if Destiel ever does become canon, it’s not gonna be because Dean was ‘this’ or wasn’t ‘that’. It’ll be because two people love each and belong together.

Published August 27, 2013 by imwiththeblutbad







Old man Dean! And his young man.

I have a huge soft spot for older Dean/always-young-angel Castiel. There has to be a little bitterness in my curtain stuff. I like the sadness of it, but I also love the idea of Castiel loving Dean no matter how he changes over the years.

I also firmly believe he would be there when Dean dies, and leaves for heaven mere moments after him. Lalala you can’t tell me different.

#I actually really adore this #Because you know Cas would use bits of his angel mojo to heal Dean’s stiff joints #And Dean would scowl at him and tell him not to baby him #But Cas would do it on the sly #And he never complains about the music in the Impala being played ever louder #He still lies next to Dean in bed at night and traces the outline of his face and the symbols on his ribs #Part of Dean settles with it all #Though he never quite gets over people thinking of Cas as his son #And whenever he does get insecure about being old and his body and his mind not being what they used to be #Cas just smiles and says he doesn’t care #Because he’s always loved Dean’s soul before either of the others #Castiel knows for most of the week before Dean dies that it’s going to happen #And he makes sure to only look sad when Dean can’t see him #So he hands him his coffee over his shoulder #And kisses him #Because by the time he’s come back from hanging out the laundry #Dean will have gone to sleep and won’t wake up #But he smiles because it doesn’t matter #And as Dean takes his first step into Heaven #30 years old again #An angel takes his hand (via inkorstardust)

#hahaha drowns myself

That actually made me cry..

Well done tumblr, you made me cry…

At least now that Cas is human, they can grow old together..

Sweet Jesus people. Now I’m sad and happy, what are you doing to me?!

Are we even sane anymore ?: crysaac: After Cas and Dean get over the hurdle of admitting their…

Published August 25, 2013 by imwiththeblutbad


After Cas and Dean get over the hurdle of admitting their feelings, Dean’s memory foam takes to remembering two shapes tucked tightly together.

And nights, for both of them, become something new, beyond sex, beyond even the comfort of another body. They become something…

If anyone needs me, I’ll be crying softly in corner for few minutes…

Are we even sane anymore ?: crysaac: After Cas and Dean get over the hurdle of admitting their…

Published August 7, 2013 by imwiththeblutbad

Whenever I see this episode now, this is the dialogue I’ll actually hear

Published August 6, 2013 by imwiththeblutbad





Good Lord. You are so right, seriously. Just look at them